Saturday, December 5, 2009

"This Too Shall Pass"

All of us experience difficult and stressful moments in our lives. How we deal with those situations will effect the outcome of the rest of that day, week, month, year, and possibly the rest of our lives. I've realized that the quote "This too shall pass" famously stated by Abraham Lincoln during a speech he gave to the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, is and always will be one of the truest phrases ever spoken. Everything will come and go. Time will continue whether we want it to or not. Time stops for nothing. If time does not stop that means that all must move forward, including those days that we wish would hurry past.
Waiting for time to pass can at times be painful; like watching the hands of a clock tick by. We all have experienced heartache and the extreme pain that is felt almost seems as if it will never go away, but alas it does..... eventually. So, in summary, feelings of despair will eventually subside, as there is no way to stop the healing hands of time.
Each time I experience what I felt the other night, I look up to the sky and ask "Why"? I sometimes think that if there is such things as past lives that I must have been someone horrible to have to deal with an illness such as this, that most people can't even understand or empathize with. On the other hand, I also think that maybe I was given this illness as a gift. Not for myself, but for others. Maybe I'm meant to help others who have struggled just like me. I've always felt the weight of the world on my shoulders and that I was meant to help humankind. At first it was as a doctor or nurse, but maybe it's just as me. Maybe who I am, what I am, and have experienced is the best and greatest gift I have to offer. So, where do I begin?
By the way, I ate a slice of cheese today...not good...not good at
Have a good night everyone!

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